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Anti aging, Diet for ultra running | 22 September
In search of the iskiate myth
( 2023-09-22)

The basic assumption was that, according to the literature, 4-6 teaspoons of chia per day can be consumed without any particular gastro-enteric side effects

Anti aging | 28 August
The beginning
( 2023-08-28)

The new plan is to dope. Completely legally. I'll be prepared, but I won't leave it to chance: I'll use my own bacteria to stay alive while I implement my new idea.

Diet for ultra running, Microbiome Transfer | 19 August
Let's run an ultra marathon
( 2023-08-20)

Is it possible for a perfectly average middle-aged man to change his lifestyle and, in a short space of time, achieve a level of physical performance that he was previously unable to achieve? Do we have enough knowledge to shorten this time? Will all the knowledge will gather help our patients? I have no answers to a fraction of the questions.